Alpinestars Long Range 2 Drystar Pants - Black/Anthracite
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- Brand: Alpinestars
esigned for versatility
Detachable bib with Alpinestars braces with flat buckles for safety and comfort. Bib and liners engineered to attach in four different configurations.
100% waterproof and breathable Alpinestars Drystar® material liner is removable.
Removable vertical quilted thermal liner that detaches at both the top and bottom for easy entry and exit.
Waist connection zipper for attachment to Alpinestars waterproof and textile jackets.
Advanced protection technology
Dual coated polyamide fabric construction for durability and abrasion resistance.
Abrasion resistant textured fabric at knee and lower inner leg and reinforced stretch comfort fabric on seat and back of knees.
Soft, CE certified Smart protectors on the knees.
Removable PE foam hip padding.
Silicon waterproof YKK zippers.
Zippered air vents on the thighs for increased air flow while riding.
Accordion stretch panels at knees and lower back for comfort.
Waist adjustment via textile/elastic draw belt with snap adjustment and hook waist closure
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