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Home Alpinestars Stella S-MX 5 Boot - Black/White

Alpinestars Stella S-MX 5 Boot - Black/White

Alpinestars Stella S-MX 5 Boot - Black/White

The Stella S-MX 5 has been created for women riders as a performance road and track boot, incorporating the latest technical footwear design and material know-how. Following on from the other performance boots in the Alpinestars range, the S-MX 5 is notable for its comfort, hugging fit, safety performance and ease of adjustability.

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to Slanchev Bryag starts at €3.71 outside Slanchev Bryag starts at €3.71
to Burgas starts at €2.74 outside Burgas starts at €2.84
Price: €135.49

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  • All-Round protection, durable and high-tech micro-fiber upper construction offering a high level of flexibility
  • Double injected PU shields the shin, ankle, calf, toe and heel from impact while minimizing abrasion
  • Inner protection is given by a double injected panel connected to the heel counter, hidden beneath the outer shell and running up the outer ankle
  • Innovative air vents at the ankle, heel and forefoot are covered with a specially designed mesh to provide unmatched levels of rider comfort
  • Large throat profile instep and Achilles flex bellows for superior flex and comfort. MTP mesh liner and anatomical, removable, PU Foam foot bed keeps the foot cool and comfortable
  • Innovative inner (medial) side entry opening/closure system that features an elastic mounted zipper with an extra wide Velcro� flap, to give a precise, comfortable fit and wide opening aperture for ease of acces

by GDPR 21-05-2018, 05 Nov 2014

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by GDPR 21-05-2018, 03 Nov 2014

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by GDPR 21-05-2018, 26 Oct 2014

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