Alpinestars S-MX Bionic Vest - Black
The S-MX Bionic vest features the Bionic Back Protector integrated with a chest guard and side kidney plates to offer the rider a 1pc front and back protection system for the street and race track.
The vest is intended to be worn under a jacket or suit giving frontal and back impact protection during a crash.
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- Brand: Alpinestars
- CE Level 2 Bionic Back Protector
- CE Level 2 protection means this protector offers double the impact performance of a CE Level 1 protector.
- CE Level 2 Impact performance (under 9kN of average transmitted force) in accordance with EN 1621-2
- DFD (Dynamic Force Dispersion) Technology: this protector is reduced in thickness and in weight: 15mm thinner and 130g lighter than previous models.
- Flexible front chest plate, covering the Sternum, rib cage and vital organs with internal impact absorbing foam
- Thermoformed ergonomic front and rear bio-foam panels for additional comfort
- Adjustable shoulder and kidney straps for full adjustability and personalized fit, ensuring comfort while riding
- Ergonomically shaped side plates for side impact protection
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